Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hiking Usa If I Were To Go Hiking And Exploring Across The USA, Would A Gun For Protection Be Recommended?

If I were to go hiking and exploring across the USA, would a gun for protection be recommended? - hiking usa

Greetings from the UK. I'm an avid naturalist, and my ambition has been to the United States from wild tour, when you consider all the different trees, rocks and animals seems to me that he had done the same thing here. I hope to sleep outside and live in my backpack, walking in the places of the finest and most challenging of his country can offer (with a guide, if necessary, of course), take pictures and notes.

I stationed my friend the other week, a U.S. soldier at a base in the United Kingdom, and he sucked his teeth and said, "not like here, mate," we bear and big cats and all kinds of things that the attack on the jungle ... require a weapon, just in case? "

Do you agree? If so, and if U.S. law would allow, what kind of weapon do you recommend? I do not really know a bear, but if he or maimed ...!

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